For as long as I can remember, I have been a “fruit person”, and berries have a special place in my diet. There are many reasons for that. Firstly, they have a unique combo of tart and sweet flavors and, secondly, they are incredibly healthy.
However, although I have been eating them for years in various ways, I’ve never noticed what exactly is inside them, i.e. whether or not they contain any seeds.
So do blueberries have seeds? To my big surprise, and I believe you will be astounded as well, blueberries actually do contain seeds. They are not so noticeable really, but they are there and that is important.
As you can see, there are many mysteries that blueberries hide, so it is not out of hand to learn more about these unique fruits and their secrets.
The Truth About Blueberries And Their Seeds
To begin with, I will just say a few words about this food that starts with b, as well as some interesting facts that you probably didn’t know about.
Blueberries are tiny, soft fruits that are, as the name suggests, blue in color. They are part of the Ericaceae family, which includes other species of shrubs such as cranberries, rhododendrons, and azaleas.
Two main types of blueberries are commercially cultivated: highbush blueberries and lowbush or wild blueberries.
Highbush blueberries (Vaccinium corymbosum) are typically grown on larger farms and can reach up to 12 feet in height.
Lowbush or wild blueberries (Vaccinium angustifolium) grow naturally in the wild and are harvested from low-lying bushes that typically grow no taller than two feet.
In addition to these two main types, there are also several hybrid blueberry varieties that have been developed for commercial cultivation.
These hybrids are typically a cross between highbush and lowbush varieties and are selected for their desirable characteristics, such as larger fruit size, disease resistance, and higher yields.
No matter the type, all blueberries contain seeds.
What About Seeds?
Blueberry is a type of berry fruit, and all types of fruits contain seeds because that is an important part of their reproductive cycle. It is therefore logical that blueberries contain seeds as well.
When it comes to the number of seeds inside blueberries, there can be more than 20 seeds per blueberry.
Those seeds are brownish, sometimes yellowish in color, and are found in a circular pattern near the center of the blueberry.
They are very small, almost microscopic in size, so you can barely feel them when eating this healthy snack.
However, I have to say that they have a hard outer layer, and are somewhat gritty in texture. They are dispersed throughout the fleshy part of the blueberry, which has a soft, slightly chewy texture.
In general, they are not very flavorful on their own, and they have a relatively neutral taste.
Some people describe the flavor of blueberry seeds as slightly nutty or earthy. However, the flavor of the seeds is usually overpowered by the sweet and slightly tart flavor of the blueberry flesh, as well as slight acidity.
Can You Eat Blueberry Seeds?
This is the question I often hear when I mention to people that there are seeds inside blueberries, which is quite illogical since all people consume them on daily bases without even knowing that.
And I can freely say that not only can you eat them, but they can offer you some amazing benefits as well.
Namely, blueberry seeds are a great source of dietary fiber, which can help regulate digestion, promote satiety, and support heart health.
Antioxidants are also there. Blueberry seeds contain antioxidants such as anthocyanins and phenolic compounds, which have anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer properties.
These compounds can also help protect us against oxidative stress, which is associated with a range of chronic diseases.
These seeds are also a great source of omega-3 fatty acids. These powerful fatty acids can reduce the risk of heart disease, cognitive decline, as well as inflammation.
Finally, blueberry seeds contain minerals such as manganese, magnesium, and zinc, which are important for bone health, immune function, and metabolism.
As you can see, there is nothing wrong with blueberry seeds. The only thing that people are concerned about is their texture and flavor, i.e. that they will ruin the taste of the berries, or that it will get stuck in their mouth.
However, in ripe blueberries, the seeds are so small that you actually can not notice them at all. It is a different story with overripe blueberries, as the seeds tend to become a little larger and harder in texture.
Some people I know even like this, but since most blueberries are eaten long before they get to this over-ripened point, there should not be any worry.
How To Get Those Seeds From Blueberries?
Extracting seeds from blueberries can be a really messy process. Fortunately, there are three solutions for this, so let’s take a look.
1. Grinding Method
In order to extract seeds by using this method, you will only need a good food grinder and a cup of water.
Take your blueberries and put them in the food grinder. Grind them until they become fully ground.
After this process, you will see a few blueberry seeds at the bottom of the jar. Because there is a high probability that there are some seeds left, repeat the procedure with a food grinder a few times until only the seeds remain in the jar.
In my opinion, this is the easiest and best method to use and, from my own experience, it is almost always successful.
2. Mashing Method
Another way to get those tiny seeds from the berries is to mash them using a potato masher.
Put half a cup of blueberries in a bowl and mash them. After that, transfer the mashed blueberries into a jar and pour water over them.
Just like with the previous method, you will notice the seeds at the bottom of the jar.
Since the work is not fully done, repeat this a few times until you see only the seeds in the jar.
Finally, after all the seeds are extracted, place them onto a paper towel to dry.
3. Blending Method
The blending method is also an easy one. All you need is a cup of blueberries and a good blender.
Put the blueberries in the blender and blend them for about 10 seconds until they become liquid.
After that, you should probably be able to see a few blueberry seeds at the bottom of the jar.
Again, it is important that you repeat the procedure a few times until only the seeds are left.
This should do the job and all your seeds should be extracted from the berries.
See also: How Long Do Blueberries Last? Handling Blueberries Properly
What To Do With Blueberries And Their Seeds?
Using blueberries and their seeds to upgrade your recipes is one of the best things you can do in the kitchen. Believe me, I am speaking from my own experience since blueberries never disappointed me.
Because of that, I will share with you a few ways to use your blueberries and take your delicious dishes to the next level.
• Smoothies: You can add blueberry seeds to your smoothies for a boost of fiber and nutrition. Simply blend fresh or frozen blueberries with your favorite fruits, vegetables, and liquid, and enjoy the slight crunch and texture that the seeds provide.
• Baked Goods: Blueberry seeds can also be used in baked goods such as muffins, pancakes, and bread. When making these dishes, simply leave the seeds in the blueberries and incorporate them into the batter.
You can use them to enrich your gluten-free banana pancakes.
• Salad Toppings: You can also sprinkle them on top of your salads for added texture and nutrition. Try adding them to a spinach or mixed greens salad along with other toppings such as nuts, cheese, or dried fruit, and you certainly won’t regret it.
• Homemade Jam: If you decide to make blueberry jam, you can extract the seeds according to one of the methods explained above, or you can leave them in for added texture and flavor.
You can use blueberry jam with seeds as a spread on toast, pancakes, or waffles, or you can just simply enjoy it on its own.
• Snacking: Making delicious snacks out of blueberry seeds is one of my favorite ways of incorporating them into my diet. Namely, blueberry seeds can be roasted and seasoned for a crunchy and healthy snack.
Simply rinse and dry the seeds, toss them in olive oil and your favorite spices, and roast in the oven until golden brown.
• Blueberry seeds oil: Although it is not something that most people make on their own, many manufacturing companies and factories extract oil from the Blueberry seeds as it has many benefits.
Namely, blueberry seed oil is rich in Vitamins A, B Complex, and C, phytonutrients, and Omega-3 fatty acids. It is also a great source of antioxidants.
You can use it as treatment for your hair and scalp, as protection against the damage of harmful UV radiation, and to treat cracked lips and skin.
I also have to say that blueberries are used for enriching the flavor of the Red Bull variety, known as Blue Edition.
Can You Grow New Ones From The Seeds?
Well yes, blueberries can be grown from their seeds but it’s important to note that the seedlings may not have the same desirable traits as the parent plant.
For this reason, blueberry cultivars are typically propagated through vegetative means, such as stem cuttings.
However, if you would like to grow blueberries from seeds, here are some steps to follow:
1. Extract The Seeds: By following one of the three methods explained above, you will first have to extract those seeds from the blueberries.
2. Drain Them: After the process of extraction, let them drain to improve the germination rate.
3. Let Them Germinate: The germination process lasts about 2 to 6 weeks. Sometimes, it can last even longer, up to three months.
4. Prepare The Soil: After germination, your next task is to prepare the soil. When it comes to soil, the best option is an ericaceous potting mix due to its higher level of acidity. Namely, blueberries prefer acidic soil.
5. Put Them Into Soil: Finally, you can put the seedlings into the soil and set them outside. Harden off the seedlings for a week or two and plant them during spring or fall.
So do blueberries have seeds? As you could see in this article, although very small and difficult to notice, blueberries definitely contain seeds.
Since they are very small in size and have a quite soft texture, they do not disturb the overall texture and flavor experience of eating blueberries.
Aside from that, they are also quite nutritious since they are packed with dietary fiber and some other important nutrients.
You can also use them in various ways in the kitchen and germinate them in order to produce new delicious blueberries.