The last time I was thinking of fruits that start with G, my mind was blank. It was like staring into the abyss. Then I thought: All the information I’m looking for is just one click away.
ENCOURAGING REMINDER: It’s totally okay when you just can’t think of any fruits that start with G while the timer on your guessing game is slowly running out.
That’s why I have prepared the ultimate list of the most commonly used G fruits. The best of all is that you’ll also learn lots of interesting facts about these fruits!
32 Fruits That Start With G
1. Grapple

A grapple is a type of apple that has a grape flavor. There is no real grapple fruit, just a green apple covered in grape juice. They are very popular with kids as they look like apples but taste like grapes.
2. Goji berry
The goji berry is a superfood that has been used in traditional Chinese medicine for centuries. It is believed that goji berries improve longevity and promote healthy skin, eyes, and immunity.
“One study reported in the American Academy of Optometry’s journal Optometry and Vision Science found that seniors who drank goji berry juice for 90 days increased zeaxanthin and other antioxidant levels significantly.” (1)
This berry is native to China and Tibet, but it can also be found in other parts of Asia. The plant was introduced to the United States in 1987 as a dietary supplement.
3. Galia melon fruit
The Galia melon is a variety of cantaloupe melons. It is a type of muskmelon, which is a type of honeydew. The Galia melon has been described as having “a rich flavor with just the right amount of sweetness.”
Galia melon has dark green to light green skin. The flesh is orange, and it has a sweet flavor.
It has an average weight of 1 kg (2 lb.). Galia melon is the most popular melon in Israel. It is also grown in California, Arizona, and Texas.
See also: 58 Marvelous Fruits That Start With M You Need To Know
4. Guarana fruit
Guarana can be found in the Amazon rainforest and South America. The fruit has a high concentration of caffeine and is used in many traditional drinks, such as mate tea and guaraná soda.
Europeans first discovered the Guaraná plant in the 16th century. The plant was first documented by José de Acosta, who named it “Paullinia cupana” after the Italian botanist Prospero Alpino.
5. Guava fruit

Guava is a tropical fruit native to Central America, and is now grown in many other parts of the world. Guava has a sweet flavor, and its flesh is usually yellow or pinkish-red.
Guava fruit is now commonly eaten as fresh fruit and is also processed into products like jams, jellies, wines, and juices. It is one of the healthiest fruits you can eat because it contains lots of vitamin C, potassium, and fiber.
6. Giant pomelo fruit
Pomelo is a citrus fruit that belongs to the family of pomelo and grapefruit. Healthline states that pomelo is a highly nutritious fruit low in calories and full of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. Pomelo is native to Southeast Asia and is cultivated in many regions around the world.
It has thick, rough skin that can be peeled off in pieces and eaten or used as a garnish. The flesh is juicy, with a sweet flavor that ranges from sour to sweet, depending on the variety.
7. Goumi fruit
Goumi fruit is native to China, and it has been used in traditional Chinese medicine for centuries. It is also known as the Chinese wolfberry.
The goumi fruit is a small, round, dark purple berry that grows on a shrub-like tree. The tree produces small, round berries that are dark purple in color. The berries are about the size of a grape and have a sweet taste with hints of sourness.
See also: 36 Fruits That Start With L: From Well-Known To Exotic Ones
8. Giant granadilla fruit
The giant granadilla is native to South America. The fruit has a sweet and tangy flavor, and it can be eaten raw or used in cooking.
The giant granadilla is a large, round, purple-colored fruit that can grow up to 12 inches in diameter. The skin of the fruit is thick and leathery with a waxy texture.
The inside of the fruit contains many seeds surrounded by a white, gelatinous substance called pith.
9. Gala apple fruit
Gala apples are one of the most popular types of apples in the United States. They have red skin and white flesh.
It is a cross between the Granny Smith and Golden Delicious apples. The Gala apple is crisp and juicy, but it also has a hint of sourness to it, which makes it different from other types of apples.
The Gala apple is best eaten raw because it has a sweet flavor. However, some might not like the taste because it can be too sweet for their preferences.
10. Gooseberry

The Gooseberry is a fruit that is native to Europe and Asia. It has been cultivated in North America for over 200 years. Gooseberries are small, round, and green when they are unripe, and they turn red when they are ripe.
Gooseberry is a small fruit that belongs to the Ribes genus. This fruit is a good source of Vitamin C, A, and E. It also contains a good amount of dietary fiber, water, and sugar.
11. Grapefruit
Grapefruit is a tropical fruit and citrus fruit tree belonging to the family Rutaceae. Grapefruits are usually oval in shape and have a thick skin with a thin layer of pulp.
They are typically grown in warm climates, such as Florida, California, and Texas. Grapefruits can be eaten raw or used for cooking purposes.
“Grapefruits, like oranges and other citrus fruits, are high in vitamin C. In fact, one whole, medium grapefruit provides you with 100% of your daily requirement for vitamin C, a powerful antioxidant that is great for your immune system and can help you fight off viruses and bacteria that can cause disease.” (2)
12. Governor’s plum fruit
Governor’s plum fruit is native to the United States. It is also known as the “American plum” or “wild plums.” Governor’s plum fruit has dark purple skin and yellow-green flesh.
The flavor of this fruit is sweet and tart, with a hint of almond. Governor’s plums are usually harvested in late summer or early fall, but they can be found year-round in some grocery stores.
See also: 90 Wonderous Foods That Start With W (Whole Meals + Snacks)
13. Gac fruit
Gac fruit is a type of fruit native to Vietnam. It is also known as the “fruit of happiness” because it has a sweet taste and can be eaten raw or cooked.
It is primarily used as a dessert ingredient, and it can also be used to make drinks or other sweet treats. Gac is notable for its vivid orange-reddish color used in smoothies. This is because of the beta-carotene and lycopene in it.
14. Granny Smith apple fruit
The Granny Smith apple is a cultivar of apple that was found in Australia and propagated in the United States. Granny Smith apples have a tart, acidic taste, and they are often used in salads and pies.
Apple trees grow well in temperate climates with cool summers, such as the Pacific Northwest of the United States, Canada, New Zealand, and Northern Europe. They’re grown commercially throughout these regions.
15. Green Anjou pear fruit

The Green Anjou pear fruit is a hybrid of the Anjou and Bartlett pears grown in the United States. It is harvested in the summer and fall and can be found at most grocery stores.
The Green Anjour pear has a sweet taste, and it can be eaten raw or cooked. It has a smooth texture, but it does not have any seeds, which makes it easy to eat.
16. Golden apple fruit
The Golden apple is native to South America and is grown in the United States. The fruit is a hybrid of red apples and yellow apples. It has a sweet taste similar to Honeycrisp or Fuji apples.
Golden apples are native to South America and were brought to North America by European settlers to produce a new variety of apples that could be grown successfully in colder climates than those found in their native land.
See also: 62 Heavenly Foods That Start With H (Snacks And Others)
17. Green apple fruit
Now, this is a staple in our fruits that start with G. Green apples are not as sweet as other types of apples, but they have a distinct taste that makes them popular among people who like sour flavors.
“Green apples contain a compound called pectin, a fiber source that works as a prebiotic to promote the growth of healthy bacteria in your gut. The pectin found in green apples can help you break down foods more efficiently.” (3)
The most common variety of green apple is called Granny Smith, and it was first grown in Australia, making this fruit native to the country.
18. Guavaberry
Guava berries are tropical fruit that grows in abundance in most countries in Central America, South America, and the Caribbean.
Guavaberry is a drink or wine traditionally made with sugar cane juice or fermented sugar cane syrup, but other sweeteners can be used, such as honey or agave nectar. The guavaberry drink has been popularized throughout its native region for centuries.
19. Genip fruit
The genip fruit is a type of fruit that grows in the Caribbean region. It is also popular in Asia and Africa. The fruit is called genip or genipe in most English-speaking countries, but it is called nispero in Spanish.
Genip trees can grow up to 25 feet tall and bear round, greenish-brown fruit that has an outer layer of hard skin that contains a soft, creamy flesh with many small black seeds inside.
20. Ground plum fruit

Ground plums are usually eaten raw, or they can be used as a flavoring agent in various dishes. They are also called prunes, although they are not related to true prunes. They belong to the genus Prunus.
The ground plum is native to Iran, Afghanistan, India, Nepal, and Pakistan. It has been cultivated for hundreds of years in these countries because it’s easy to grow.
21. Grumichama fruit
Grumichama has a sweet taste, but it is not as sweet as other fruits. The Grumichama fruit looks like a pear with an elongated neck and small leaves. It is green and can be peeled easily.
Here’s an interesting health fact on grumichama fruit: “Grumichama have tannins that keep heart tissue healthy, prevent skin elasticity from breaking down and also help relax blood vessels.” (4)
22. Greengage fruit
Greengage fruit is a type of plum, which is a fruit that belongs to the Prunus genus. It has dark green skin with a yellow flesh and an oval shape.
The greengage can be found in France, Italy, and Spain. Greengages are often used in jams, pies, tarts, and wine.
See also: 30 Fruits That Start With O: Orotund Opportunities
23. Guanabana fruit
The guanabana fruit (annona muricata) is a tropical fruit native to the Caribbean and Central America. It’s also called soursop, sorrel, or graviola.
It has white flesh, and in many countries it is used for making sherbet, ice cream, juice, and other desserts.
24. Gamboge fruit
Gamboge fruits are usually found in forests or jungles and tropical areas. The gamboge fruit has a hard, round shell and can be eaten raw or cooked.
It is a popular ingredient in Southeast Asian dishes like the Thai som tam salad, Malaysian beef curry, and Indonesian Gado-Gado salad.
25. Guinep fruit

The scientific name of this plant is Melicoccus bijugatus, also known as the Spanish lime. Guinep fruit is a citrus fruit native to the Mediterranean region.
Guinep fruit has a thin skin and round shape. It can be either yellow or green in color, depending on the variety. The flesh of this fruit is usually sour and acidic, but it can also be sweet and juicy.
26. Golden kiwi fruit
Golden kiwi is a type of kiwi that is yellow. It is also known as the honey kiwi or the gold kiwi.
There are numerous health benefits of golden kiwi, and here’s one of them as stated by Health Benefits: “Golden Kiwis help to improve the flow inside the blood arteries by saving the blood cells from clotting, which is why kiwis are considered superb for patients who are suffering from problems related to the blockage of blood vessels.”
Golden kiwi fruit has a sweeter taste than other types of kiwis, and it is also less acidic. It was first discovered in New Zealand in the early 1900s.
27. Greek fig fruit
The fig is native to the Mediterranean region. Fig trees are perennials that can grow up to 20 feet tall and 15 feet wide. Fig trees produce small, delicate, pink or purple flowers.
The flavor of figs in general is characterized by sweetness, and the ones that grow in Greece are not an exception.
The fig has had many different uses in various cultures throughout history. Greeks would use it as an offering to the gods, and they would also eat them.
28. Gorham pear fruit
The Gorham pear is a cross between the Bartlett and Seckel pears. The fruit is small, round, and green with a yellowish-green blush.
The name is derived from the town of Gorham, Maine, where one of the first pear orchards in America was planted.
See also: Fruits That Start With P: 36 Sweet Gifts Of Nature
29. Grand nain banana fruit
Grand nain bananas are a type of banana found in the Caribbean. They are grown on the island of Guadeloupe and Martinique. They have a sweet taste with a hint of vanilla and a soft texture when ripe.
The grand nain banana is also known as the “mountain banana” or “Guadeloupean banana.” It is often confused with the red-skinned, smaller, and sweeter tasting Jamaican Blue Mountain Banana, which is also grown in Guadeloupe.
30. Gabiroba fruit

The gabiroba fruit was first discovered in the early 1900s in Brazil. It was first called the “gabiróba” by the locals because of its similarity to the wild gourd plant.
It is a small round fruit with thin skin and green flesh. The gabiroba has a sour taste, which is why it’s often eaten as an accompaniment to other dishes or drinks.
“Among the main benefits of the fruit stand out its anti-ulcer action, improving blood health and fighting diarrhea.” (5)
31. Giant lau lau fruit
The lau lau is a giant fruit that grows in the South Pacific. It is primarily grown in Tonga and Samoa. The fruit’s texture is similar to that of a mango, but it has a much sweeter taste.
Lau lau trees grow up to 15 meters tall and produce fruit all year round. The leaves are long, thin, and glossy green with spines on the edges. They also have large yellow flowers that grow from the trunk of the tree.
32. Grape
Grapes are a type of fruit that grows on vines. They are the most widely grown fruit in the world, and they come in many different colors and flavors.
The word “grape” comes from the French word “grappe“. The English word “grape” is derived from the Latin word “vitis.”
What’s Your Favorite Fruit That Starts With G?
Now that you have an extensive list of fruits that start with G (and lots of valuable info about them), I’m sure you’re ready to rock that guessing game!
Good luck!
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